Registration fees

– Full registration or student registration includes allowance to register (1) paper.
– With a full-registration, 2 extra papers can be registered. Each extra paper costs 18,000 JPY. No extra paper is allowed with student registration.
– Each paper has to be registered and presented by one of its co-authors.
– The standard rate for On-site registration is available to delegates with no presentation. Please register as a participant.
On-site registration fees
Full and student registration fees include the admission to all conference sessions, welcome reception, lunches, coffee breaks and banquet.
Registration platform
Please click on the link below to register.
ICS membership
– The registration fee for those not currently members of ICS includes membership for the next two years 2023-2025.
– If you already have your ICS membership then you can pay a reduced conference fee (the procedure has been sent by emails to the ICS members) but you may prefer to pay a full fee to cover your membership for 2023-2025. If you decide to pay the reduced fee then you will have to pay the ICS membership separately to keep your membership for the next two years.
A valid student card will be required at the welcome desk.
Terms and conditions
Click here.
Cancellation Policy
Registration cancellations must be received in writing at registration@compumag2023.com by the cancellation deadline, Monday, April 17, 2023. Registration fees canceled by this date will be refunded after subtracting 20 percent cancellation fees. No refunds will be issued after the deadline.